Saturday, November 15, 2014

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Every year Olivia (my 11 year old ) & I (Laura) try to find a new deer to add to our growing collection.  She & I have been making these Rudolph ornaments.  They are cute holding a candy cane our just simple hanging on the tree.  They would be a cute little gift for any boy or girl.  Each one is made of burlap and twigs deemed worth to become antlers (per Olivia).  You'll find these at the upcoming Christmas Open House.


  1. Hi Laura this is Kristie Thaxton buzhardt .... Do you remember me from back at BJU camp days?:) you came to mind a week or so ago and I wondered if I could find you online somehow!! I think I did find you:) at least the picture I saw of you looks a lot like the Laura I know:)

    1. I'm not sure when you'll see the comment I finally made on one of your original attempts to reach out to me. So, here it goes again - YES it is Laura and I do remember you and have the fondest memories of times spent together. Hope to "hear" from you soon!!
