Thursday, November 27, 2014

Open Again for Black Friday & Saturday

We had so much fun last weekend, we thought we would open up shop again this weekend:

November 28th & 29th
10:00PM - 4:30PM
The Roderers' Home
610 Westbourne Road
West Chester, PA 19382

If you missed us last weekend or you'd just like to visit us again, we look forward to seeing you!


We still have some Scrabble tile ornaments similar to these:

 and decided to create some more Scrabble tile decorations:

Hope to see you this weekend!


  1. Hi my name is Kristie Thaxton buzhardt and I have been trying to reconnect with a friend from back in the days of home ec camp at BJU in Greenville SC.... My friend name is Laura Madison .... Is the Laura I see associated with this blog my friend I am searching for? :)

    1. Oh My Kristie - YES!!!! I'm not facebook, but had search for you a while back and couldn't remember your married name. I can not believe you found me - this is the LORD! How are you? I'm sorry to not respond sooner - I haven't been on the blog for quite a while. My oldest found this comment :) Are you on Pinterest? I am, but am apparently hard to find. If search my mom - Margie Roderer - I'm a follower and you can connect with me there. I'll wait to see if you get this response and we can figure out a "safe" way to connect in a more real fashion. Thanks for stepping out to see if this is me - Laura from home ec camp :) Take care!!
